WSIAT Experience


The WSIAT (Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal) is an independent decision-making organization in Ontario that is separate and distinct from the WSIB. Decisions of the WSIB (typically decisions of the Appeals Service Division) may be appealed to the WSIAT. 
If you are an employer seeking representation at any stage of the WSIAT process (pre­hearing, hearing & post-hearing), the William John Young Professional Corporation can assist you with technical expertise and legal advice.

John Young has a solid track record of presenting compelling arguments to the WSIAT on behalf of our clients, resulting in positive outcomes for employers.

Below is a sample of some of our successful cases and appeals.

▪ Net retroactive recovery: $506,000
Ongoing premium savings of ≈$100,000 per year.
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $109,000
Ongoing premium savings of ≈$50,000 per year.
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $28,300
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $56,000
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $230,000
Ongoing premium savings of ≈$100,000 per year.
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $230,000
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $82,800
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $1,200,000
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $375,700
Ongoing premium savings of ≈$100,000 per year.
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $170,400
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $59,000
Ongoing premium savings of ≈$30,000 per year.
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $56,000
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $1,400,000
Ongoing premium savings of ≈$100,000 per year.
▪ Net retroactive recovery: $315,000
Ongoing premium savings of ≈$100,000 per year.
▪ Net retroactive recovery: ≈$100,000
▪ Net retroactive recovery: ≈$15,000
▪ Net retroactive recovery: ≈$100,000
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